Session Options

Initial consultation with Jennie

Initial Kinesiology Session

Together we will discuss your physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms and define what changes you would like to achieve in your life. We will then commence the “Balance” process where you’ll lie or sit comfortably on the treatment table and we can start uncovering unknown stressors that inhibit you to achieve these goals.

This session option is for all new clients.

$150 (2 hours)

Kids love Kinesiology

Follow-up Kinesiology Sessions

We will discuss any new information or changes you’ve experienced and continue to identify and release deeper layers of stress, which will allow your nervous system to self regulate and your mind and body to heal.

This session option is for clients doing a series of follow up treatments after an initial session.

$110 (60 mins)

Kinesiology uses muscle testing

Extended Kinesiology Session

As above with extra time allocated.

This session option is for clients who don’t need to see me as frequently, and are now working with me in a maintenance capacity only. This session is also available for clients who may have more complex health conditions or who just love what I do!

$140 (90 mins)

Cranialsacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy Session

Craniosacral Therapy is excellent for calming the entire nervous system. It uses gentle techniques to manipulate the cerebral spinal fluid, the fascial system and the cranial bones to remove restrictions within the body. While all my Kinesiology sessions involve some Craniosacral techniques, an exclusive treatment may be preferred when clients are feeling particularly vulnerable, prefer limited discussion during treatments or require frequent treatment for chronic health conditions.

$110 (60 mins)